After the audition when we were taken to one side and told that the Birmingham heats were the toughest of all to pass, as the standards are so high, I was half expecting to have failed -lol! Not so: we were then told we had wowed the judges with 'pure talent' ..
The next stage is to compete in the regional finals at the NEC on October the 4th. It would be great to see some friendly faces there so, if anyone wants to come along and support me and Marie, I'd really appreciate it, as the audience also gets a vote in who wins.
Tickets for the event where we compete in front of a judging panel of press and media representatives, record company A&R and music biz professionals, and an audience of hundreds, are £8 apparently. (Just message me if you want to reserve one – non of the money goes to me, I hasten to add -lol!)
Thanks to everyone who's already promised to come along and support us! :)